Vocabuarly Building

Click on either the entry title or the URL to access a site.

A.Word.A.Day.  From Wordsmith.org, this site provides not only a new word each day, but also an archive going back to March 1994.

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day. Maintained by Merriam Webster, Inc., the dictionary people. You can either subscribe to their free daily service or explore their archives.

My Word a Day. Colin O'Malley maintains this Website.  Users can visit the Website or have the Word a Day e-mailed to them. Words are arranged in meaningful groups and defined in detail, with plenty of examples.

The New York Times Word of the Day. Every weekday, a word is chosen from the archives of the New York Times.

Building a Better Vocabulary. This site maintained by Capital Community College contains suggestions for improving vocabulary, links to various vocabulary building sources, and a number of quizzes designed for college-level work. They include a number of words that are alleged to appear on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests and Graduate Record Exams from year to year.

The Mavens’ Word of the Day.  This site was maintained by the Reference division of Random House. It ceased operation in December 2001, but the archives are still available online.

Vocabulary University.  This vocabulary building site features a variety of puzzles and activities at various grade levels.  The site also includes vocabulary preparation for the ACT and SAT exams and links to a number of other word-related web sites.

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