Mrs. Westenskow's

Vocabulary Words of the Day

Writing for College Classes


Students will be expanding their vocabulary throughout the semester. Each week students will receive 12 new vocab. words (6/2 days). Student will be given the part of speech, definition, and a sentence for each word. The first class day of the week students will be tested on the words from the previous week. If a student misses a test, he or she must make up the test the following school day before or after school, during lunch, or during my prep. period. Test scores will count on the final grade. Below is a list of the words.


Words of the Day for the Week
Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Sept. 14 Sept. 21
Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19
Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 30


Week of Aug. 31
abhor abrupt abrogated
abridged seethed scrupulous
coveted servile sinister
affluent adversary deviate


Week of Sept. 8

abundant abject alacrity
archaic inveigle vitality
contradictory terse raucous
miniscule impunity ubiquitous


Week of Sept. 14

accrue animosity anomaly
catharsis clandestine discrepancy
ebullience euphemism fortuitous
guile hackneyed incentives


Week of Sept. 21

pungency insensible aver
garner laconic insouciant
cower morose verbatim
impetus exhilerate perpetuate


Week of Sept. 28

abeyance amorphous consensus
expedite forbearance impermeable
imperious levity misconstrue
panacea pretest salubrious


Week of Oct. 5

aggrandize cajole comaraderie
devoid ephemeral idiosyncrasy
obfuscate panache pestilence
reticent sagacious vanquish


Week of Oct. 12

adulterate austere bereft
dour gibe intimation
paradigm platitude stolid
supplication unkempt urbane


Week of Oct. 19

agrarian altruistic asperity
circa convergence convival
relinquish remnant remonstrate
sinuous sustenance sylvan


Week of Nov. 2

abdicate belligerence circumlocution
denigrate dissipate espionage
fastidious firmament inevitable
irascible magnanimous pique


Week of Nov. 9

abysmal intractable misogynist
sodden dilatory squalid
castigate misanthrope apprehension
pungency dogmatic implacable


Week of Nov. 16

adamant antipathy felicitous
pariah multifarious apropos
insensible aver laconic
morose apprise callous


Week of Nov. 30

lethargic candor chasm
encroach uncouth qualify
onerous sycophant wane
quandry capitulate congenial