Questions and answers

Where is the Reading and Writing Center located?

Come visit us in room 320.

What resources are available in the Reading and Writing Center?

The Center will be staffed during each instructional period. A reading and writing tutor is available to assist students with a variety of communication concerns.

The tutor in the Center will offer assistance in any area of the writing process: basic organization, writing style, grammar and mechanics, etc.

The Center contains 28 computers and also has dictionaries, thesauri, and miscellaneous textbooks and grammar books for student use.

The Center's usefulness will also extend beyond its tutorial services. A web site will provide information to students, faculty, and parents in such areas as composition and style, grammar and mechanics, vocabulary building, homework helpers, test preparation, writing teacher resources, reference works, and English faculty web pages.

Is the Center open only during school hours?

The Center will be open during each instructional period. It will also be open before school (open at 7:00) and after school (until 4:00) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

What should students bring to the Reading and Writing Center?

If students are referred to the Center to work on a specific assignment, they should bring all materials appropriate to that assignment. They should also bring some class related material to work on in case they have to wait a short while before talking with a tutor.

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