Click on either the entry title or the URL to access a site.

Plagiarism.  This useful information is provided by Writing Tutorial Services at Indiana University and discusses the following topics:  What is plagiarism and why is it important? How can students avoid plagiarism? How to recognize acceptable and unacceptable paraphrases. Plagiarism and the world wide web. Strategies for avoiding plagiarism.  Terms you need to know.

Avoiding Plagiarism, or How to Use Source Information Properly.  This site comes from Bellevue Community College and treats the following: What is plagiarism? How do instructors know it’s plagiarism? Why make such a bit deal out of it? Quoting from Sources. Paraphrasing.

The Meaning and Prevention of Plagiarism.  Here is another very thorough discussion from Student Judicial Affairs at the University of California, Davis.

Plagiarism Avoided: Taking Responsibility For Your Work.  From the University of British Columbia comes this booklet on plagiarism, including techniques for avoiding it.


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