GER  105

Assignments  ---  Einführung A

This assignment page will tell you what I want you to turn in as homework. Send me those pages marked with an asterisk *. The Plan contains the answers to all or most of the exercises that follow.  Feel free to check your work before you send it.


Your first assignment in Einfuhrung B will be to study the subject pronouns (p. 45) and the verb kommen (p. 46).  Do exercise 7 (Ubung 7) on page 46.  Check your answers and the English equivalents.  Then send me the complete sentences in German.  I know that the answers are there, but I want you to practice producing these sentences in German.  Writing them out for me is just the first step in mastering them.  You will be expected to translate any or all of the English sentences into German on an exam.



This second assignment is similar to the first, but this time it will involve the verb heißen (page 19).  Go through the same process you followed for kommen and send me the German sentences for exercise 2 (Ubung 2) on page 19


You will be expected to translate any or all of the English sentences into German on an exam.


More of the same, but now for the verb sein (p. 20).  Send me the complete German sentences for exercise 3 (Ubung 3) on page 20.


You will be expected to translate any or all of the English sentences into German on an exam.


The final verb in this group is the verb haben on page 21.  Follow the same drill and send me the German sentences for Ubung 4 (p. 21)


You will be expected to translate any or all of the English sentences into German on an exam.


I have put together a group of short sentences using the verbs kommen, sein, heißen, and haben.  Give me the English equivalents of these expressions and be prepared to handle a similar page on an exam.

Verb Work

* You should be prepared to give the German equivalent of any of the following on an exam. 


Study the numbers on page 10, and complete the practice sheet provided.  



Study the colors on page 8, and complete the practice page.  


8. Study the descriptive terms on page 7, and complete the practice page. 


9. Study the expressions of greeting and leave taking, and complete the practice page.  

Begrüßen und Verabschieden

10. Study the command forms on pages 4-5 and 18-19.  Complete the practice page.  


11. Study the articles of clothing on page 8, and complete the practice page.  


12. Study the parts of the body on page 11.  Complete the practice page.  


Review Pages

Review  -  Write the German equivalent of the English.

Review  -  Write the English equivalent of the German.

You don't need to submit this review work since the two pages serve as answer sheets for each other.