GER 105 -- The Plan


Kapitel 4

If you have been here before and know where you want to go, select from the following options. If you are new here, start at the beginning and scroll through the entire lesson.


4.1 Perfect tense

4.2 Past participles

4.5 With or without ge-

Dates and Time




(page 160) --- 4. 1 Talking about the past: the perfect tense

This one is going to take a lot of work. We have a new concept to conquer and a lot of vocabulary to review or acquire. Study the discussion carefully.

One of the aspects of this past tense in German is that all of the verbs must have two parts: the auxiliary and the past participle. We have this same construction in English: We have spoken, etc.

One problem is that this two-verb construction must be used in German even if we use a one-word past tense in English. For example, we might also say in English We spoke. But in German it still has to come out Wir haben gesprochen (literally, We have spoken.)

A second problem is that many German verbs will use sein as an auxiliary instead of haben. Most of the sein verbs indicate a change of location or condition. In English we would say I have come. In German it is Ich bin gekommen (literally I am come, not I have come.)

The text provides meanings and an example of the verbs using sein as an auxiliary, but it doesn't provide a similar list for those using haben in this section. You will, however, find some haben verb information at the bottom of page 162 and a few more sein verbs on page 163.

(page 161) --- Übung 1 -- Rosemaries erster Schultag (Rosemarie's first school day)

Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of haben or sein as the auxiliary verb and figure out what the sentences mean. The answers are provided below, but I want you to give it a try first.

Übung 1 -- Rosemaries erster Schultag

After you have worked on the exercise, check below for the correct answers.

English sentences

German sentences

(page 162) --- Übung 2 -- Eine Reise nach Istanbul (A trip to Istanbul)

Same game. Fill in the blanks with the proper auxiliary verb and give the meaning of the complete sentence.

Übung 2 -- Eine Reise nach Istanbul

Click below to verify your work.

English sentences

German sentences

(page 162) --- Übung 3 -- Ein ganz normaler Tag (A totally normal day)

In this exercise the auxiliary verb is given. You need to put the proper past participles in the blanks. Then, of course, indicate what everything means.

Übung 3 -- Ein ganz normaler Tag

Again, verify your answers.

English sentences

German sentences

(Seite 140) --- Grammatik 4.1 Tagesablauf (Daily routine)

Write the English equivalent of these German sentences, and then check your translations against the English sentences below.

Grammatik 4.1 Tagesablauf

English sentences

(Seite 142) --- Situation 3 - Das letzte Mal (the last time)

When did you do the activities that these questions ask about? Study the expressions in the box and use them in your answers to these questions. The assignment page will tell you which expression to use in each sentence. Answers will not be given for this exercise.

Situation 3 - Das letzte Mal


(Seite 162) --- 4.2 Strong and weak past participles

More past participle work. You simply have to know these verb forms. Study the discussion and go on to the exercises for pounding it all in.

(Seite 163) --- Übung 4 -- Das ungezogene Kind (The naughty kid)

In this exercise the kid is telling what he doesn't want to do. These are answers to questions about what he might have already done. You will ask these questions. After you have given the exercise a try, check against the answers provided.

Übung 4 -- Das ungezogene Kind

English sentences

German sentences

(Seite 163) --- Übung 5 -- Katrins Tagesablauf (Katrin's daily routine)

What did Katrin do yesterday? Write a sentence for each picture on page 164. The following assignment page will give you the basic expressions that you will work with.

Übung 5 -- Katrins Tagesablauf

English sentences

German sentences

(Seite 143) --- Grammatik 4.2 Erlebnisse anderer personen (Experiences of other people)

What did Jutta do? Form sentences in the past tense based on the expressions given and also give the English equivalent of your sentences. Page 143 gives you the German sentences, and the English equivalents are found below.

Grammatik 4.2 Erlebnisse anderer personen

English sentences

(Seite 141) --- Situation 1 -- Was haben Sie gemacht? (What did you do? Or What have you done?)

Write the German equivalent of the English sentences.

Situation 1 -- Was haben Sie gemacht?

German sentences

(Seite 144) --- Situation 4 -- Richards Wochenende (Richard's weekend)

Write the German equivalent of the English sentences.

Situation 4 -- Richards Wochenende

German sentences

(Seite 144) Situation 5 – Hausaufgaben für Deutsch

Give the German equivalent of the English expressions.

Situation 5 – Hausaufgaben für Deutsch

German expressions

(Seite 145) Situation 7 – Wochenende

Give the German equivalent of the English expressions.

Situation 7 – Wochenende

German expressions


(Seite 166) --- 4.5 Past participles with and without ge-

Will it never end? More and more past participles. Pay particular attention to the separable-prefix verbs and also the large group of verbs not taking the ge- at the start of the past participle. I won't expect you to remember all of the new verbs, but I will expect you to know those used in the exercises.

(Seite 168) -- Übung 9 -- Ein schlechter Tag (a bad day)

You should be putting your German to work by figuring out the meaning of new material. Based on the grammar work that you have done thus far, you should be able to read quite a bit ... with the aid of a dictionary, of course. Study this story about Herr Thelen and give me your best shot at an English translation. Feel free to look up anything you need.

Übung 9 -- Ein schlechter Tag

English sentences

(Seite 168) --- Übung 10 -- In der Türkei - Mehmet ist in der Türkei.

What did he do yesterday? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate auxiliary verb or past participle, and then write the English equivalent of your sentence.

Übung 10 -- In der Türkei - Mehmet ist in der Türkei.

English sentences

German sentences

(Seite 169) --- Übung 11 -- Interview

On the assignment page, I have formulated questions and short answers based on the materials in Übung 11. Write the English equivalent of what you see in German.

Übung 11 -- Interview

(Seite 150) --- Grammatik 4.5 -- Ereignisse

Albert is asking Frau Schulz the events of her day. What is he asking?

Grammatik 4.5 -- Ereignisse

(Seite 151) --- Grammatik 4.5 -- Ereignisse - 2

Nora is asking Albert about the events of his day. What is she asking?

Grammatik 4.5 -- Ereignisse - 2

(Seite 151) --- Situation 12 – Informationsspiel : Das Wochenende der Nachbarn

English sentences

German sentences

(Seiten 151-152) --- Situation 13 -- Interview: Gestern (mit Antworten)

Write the English equivalent of the questions from the text and the answers I have created.

Situation 13 -- Interview: Gestern

(Seite 152) --- Situation 14 -- Erinnerungen: Ein indiskretes interview

Write the English equivalent of the questions.

Situation 14 -- Erinnerungen: Ein indiskretes interview


(Seiten 164 - 166) --- Dates and ordinal numbers and Prepositions of time

Study the ordinal numbers and how they are used to express dates. This section will be a good review of the numbers you have already studies.

Study the prepositions of time and review the vocabulary for the days of the week and the months.

(Seite 165) --- Übung 6 -- Wichtige Daten (important dates)

Give the English equivalent of the questions and then write appropriate answers in German. Write the ordinals as words, not as numbers. If you don't know the exact dates, pick a date that would be fairly close. Notice that I have added a few questions to your exercise.

Übung 6 -- Wichtige Daten

(Seite 166) --- Übung 7 -- Melanies Geburtstag

Complete the sentences with um, am, or im or nothing, and write the English equivalent of the sentence.

Übung 7 -- Melanies Geburtstag


English pages

The Party
Jutta had a bad day.
Stefan knows more than he thinks.

German pages

Das Fest
Jutta hatte einenen schweren Tag.
Stefan weiß mehr als er glaubt.
Hausaufgaben für Deutsch


English pages

Aufgabe 1
Aufgabe 2
Aufgabe 3

German pages

Aufgabe 1
Aufgabe 2
Aufgabe 3