Reading and Writing Studio
Course Mr. Glover Room 215 |
Course description
The Studios Course is a comprehensive, standards-based literacy course that provides students with in-depth instruction and practice in aspects critical to the reading, writing, and thinking life. The studio course requires a double-block period for literacy instruction. On any given day, students participate in a Writing Studio and a Reading Studio. Divided into three parts, each Studio consists of a focus lesson, a work period, and a closing meeting. Students receive practice and teaching through whole-group instruction, small group meetings, one-to-one conferences, and independent and/or peer-supported practice. The Studios Course consists of four Units of Study and a collection of shorter explorations called investigations. Units of Study (five to six weeks in duration) are in-depth and rigorous inquiries into genres, authors, topics, and problems. Surrounding and supporting the Units of Study are the investigations. Investigations focus upon challenges and aspects specific to either the reading or the writing life. Shorter than the Units of Study (usually running one to two weeks in length), Investigations focus, set up, and shape the work of the Writing and Reading Studios and scaffold the intensive inquiry and application of the Units of Study. |
In the Studios course, all materials (with the exception of pens and pencils) will be provided for the student. This includes composition books, folders, reading materials, chart paper, and various other materials used throughout the semester. Although these materials are provided for the student, the student is responsible for keeping up with assigned materials (for example, composition books) and will be required to replace any lost or stolen materials. |
Students will come to class prepared to work every day with no exceptions. Cell phones, pagers, CD players, and other similar electronic devices will not be permitted in class. Soda and candy will not be permitted in class; however, bottled water will be allowed. All South High School polices will be followed in class, and each student will be respectful to his or her self and others in the classroom. |
Attendance and Tardy policy
Regular classroom attendance is required to be successful in this course. Students who miss a total of 4 days (unexcused) during the nine-weeks grading period will fail the course. Also, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what materials have been covered in class when an absence occurs. It would be advisable to get at least one classmate’s phone number in order to find out what material has been covered in class. All students will be granted three tardies in each class per grading period. On the second tardy, I will inform parents of the current tardy status and the next consequence. On the fourth tardy, a referral will be given to the Dean of Students listing the dates of the tardies and the date of parent contact. The student will then receive an assignment to Saturday School. On the fifth tardy, the student will receive an in-school suspension and a parent conference for reentry into school. |
The Studio course consists mainly of in-class assignments. Homework may be assigned depending on the performance of students in the class and the need for more learning in certain areas. All written homework will be completed and turned in the following class period unless otherwise indicated. I will not accept homework later than one day from the due date, and homework turned in one day late will receive half credit. |
Grades are based on performance on daily assignments, group participation, and final projects. Due to the amount of in-class work done in this course, make-up work is not an option. However, if the attendance appeal board approves excessive absences, arrangements will be made. Grades will be based on percentages of possible points earned based upon the following scale: A – 90-100% |
Also, please remember that I am here to help you. I am available 30 minutes before school, during lunch and during my planning periods. You may also contact me via e-mail with any questions you may have and I will respond as soon possible. I want each and every one of you to be successful in this class! |