

Course Syllabus

Mr. Glover

Fall 2007

Room 252

Phone: (720) 423-6251

Planning:  1:26pm-2:51pm Purple and White Days


Course description


The newspaper production course is one of the few classes where there is a final product that reflects the students' hard work and effort.  That final project is The Gargoyle, South High School’s student newspaper.  The Gargoyle is a 16 page student newspaper published eight times each year.  The course follows objectives and standards outlined by Denver Public Schools, with emphasis on practical experience.  The course will require some after-school work, especially during deadline week.  This course will cover the Colorado Model Content Standards for reading and writing.  For a complete description of these standards you can visit the following website:




Students will come to class prepared to work every day with no exceptions.  Cell phones, pagers, CD players, and other similar electronic devices will not be permitted in class.  If a device is visible or audible, it will be confiscated and turned over to a dean.  Soda and candy will not be permitted in class; however, bottled water will be allowed in areas away from the computers.  All South High School polices will be followed in class, and each student will be respectful to his or her self and others in the classroom.


Attendance and Tardy policy


Regular classroom attendance is required to be successful in this course. On the third unexcused absence a parent/guardian conference will be required with the Counselor and the Academic Dean.  Students may be assigned to the Academic Success Room to complete missing course work and obtain tutoring assistance. Students with habitual attendance issues may be placed on an attendance contract, face legal intervention through State attendance laws or may be referred to an alternative school. Students who fail courses and do not obtain credits will be required to attend after-school credit recovery courses.  Habitually truant students over the age of 16 may be withdrawn from school by an administrator. The Assistant Principal of Teaching and Learning will notify the parent/guardian by phone and mail. (An appeals process will be developed during the fall of 2007.)


All students will be granted three tardies in each class per grading period.  On the second tardy, I will inform parents of the current tardy status and the next consequence.  On the fourth tardy, a referral will be given to the Dean of Students listing the dates of the tardies and the date of parent contact.  The student will then receive an assignment to Saturday School.  On the fifth tardy, the student will receive an in-school suspension and a parent conference for re-entry into school. 


Course Requirements and Grading 


Grades are based on the quality of the issue produced for that month.  Class participation, teamwork, and enthusiasm are also considered when assigning grades.  If a deadline is missed for stories, corrections, or ads, the student’s score will drop one letter grade.  If all deadlines are met then the quality of the writing, layout, etc. will be taken into account.  Each student will be responsible for the following outcomes:


·        Writing news, features, investigative, and editorial articles.

·        Advertising sales (each student is responsible for $80 in ad sales each semester)

·        Some technical aspect of production using Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop and InDesign programs on Macintosh computers in the classroom.

·        Editing copy using Associated Press style.

·        Photography


The following is the grading scale adopted by the English department for the 2007-2008 school year:


A – 90-100%

B – 80-89%

C – 70-79%

D – 60-69%

F – 59% and below





________________________________        _________________________________

Student Signature                                          Parent/Guardian Signature