Leçon 9 --- Text --- Vocabulaire |
1 |
pendant |
during |
les vacances |
vacation |
été |
Summer |
à Belle-Île |
at Belle-Île (an island off the Brittany coast) |
en Bretagne |
in Brittany |
leur, leurs |
their |
une maison |
a house |
loué(e) |
rented |
par |
By |
2 |
notre |
our |
chance |
luck |
Il pleut. |
It's raining. |
Ça fait trois jours. |
That makes three days. |
Ça fait trois jours qu'il pleut. |
It's been raining for three days. |
beau, belle |
beautiful |
la mer |
the sea |
ne (verb) rien |
nothing |
mortel |
boring |
quand |
when |
Il n'y a rien à faire. |
There is nothing to do. |
Jouons. |
Let's play. |
la belote |
pinochle |
la pelote basque |
Basque pelota (a ball game played in the Basque country ... aka jai alai) |
On n'a pas la place. |
One doesn't have the room. |
bécasse |
dummy, dodo |
Tu es sourde ou quoi? |
You are deaf or what? |
On peut jouer ... (pouvoir) |
One can play ... |
à l'écarté |
écarté (card game) |
aux échecs |
chess |
aux dames |
checkers |
plutôt |
rather, instead |
3 |
Jouons aux portraits. |
Let's play portraits. |
Faisons des portraits. |
Let's do (make) some portraits. |
Comment? |
How? |
facile |
easy |
Quelqu'un décrit une personne. |
Someone describes a person. |
phrase |
phrase, sentence |
puis |
then |
Les autres devinent. |
The others guess. |
qui c'est |
who it is |
ben |
well (slang for bien) |
Je ne sais pas. (savoir) |
I don't know. |
Ce n'est personne. |
It's no one. (It's not a person.) |
ce que |
Normally means what. Here it's used for emphasis. Wow!, Gee!, etc. |
bête |
dumb, stupid |
Ce que tu peux être bête! |
Wow, can you be dumb! |
On prend ... (prendre) |
On picks (literally takes) ... |
évidemment |
obviously |
sinon |
if not, otherwise |
4 |
Allons-y. |
Let's go. |
Commençons. |
Let's start. |
des gens de la famille |
people in the family |
Allez! |
Normally means go. Here it means OK, all right, come on now, etc. |
Voyons. (voir) |
Let's see. |
n'importe qui |
anyone at all (not important who) |
Attends. (attendre) |
Wait. (familiar imperative) |
Chercher |
Search, look for, get |
y |
there |
Ça y est. |
There is it. That's it. Etc. |
Toujours |
Always |
bronzé |
tanned, bronzed |
des cadeaux |
gifts |
trop |
too, too much, too many |
trop facile |
too easy |
5 |
C'est à moi. |
It's my turn. (It is to me.) |
Maintenant |
Now |
C'est mon tour. |
It's my turn. |
la voix pointue |
the sharp (pointed) voice |
agaçant |
annoying, irritating |
ce gamin |
this kid, boy |
le grand sportif |
the great athlete |
fier, fière |
proud |
passé(e)(s) |
past |
la course |
running |
au saut (sauter = to jump) |
jumping |
au saut en hauteur |
high jumping |
au saut à la perche |
pole vaulting |
parfait(e) |
perfect |
manquer |
to miss |
ne manque jamais |
never misses |
un événement |
an event |
même |
even (can also mean same) |
une fois par an |
once (one time) per year |
6 |
tout le portrait de |
looks just like (all the portrait of) |
sa deuxìeme fille |
her second daughter |
dire |
to say, tell |
Dis. |
Say. (familiar imperative) |
Il est plus de quatre heures. |
It's past four o'clock. |
l'heure du goûter |
snack time (the hour of the snack) |
Je veux savoir. (vouloir = to want) |
I want to know. |
Na! |
So there! |
Tais-toi. (Taire = to silence) |
Be quiet. Shut up. (Silence yourself.) |
embêtant(e) |
annoying |
d'abord |
first of all |
ta bonne |
your maid |
Vas-y, toi. |
Go, yourself. (familiar imperative of aller with an s because of the following y.) |
7 |
Ecoute. |
Listen. (familiar imperative) |
alors |
so, then |
Va chercher. |
Go look for, get. (familiar imperative of aller) |
Apporte. |
Bring. (familiar imperative) |
l'Orangina |
An orange-flavored soft drink (brand name) |
la limonade |
any of the citrus-flavored soft drinks |
des petits pains |
rolls (little breads) |
des galettes |
cookies |
breton, bretonne |
Breton (of Brittany) |
Il y a. |
There is. There are. |
ne (verb) plus |
no longer, no more |
en |
some, any, of them |
Il n'y en a plus. |
There aren't any more of them. |
rester |
to remain |
Il en reste _____________________. |
There are _________________ remaining (left). |
au moins cinq ou six |
at least five or six |
Il n'en reste plus. |
There aren't anymore of them. |
puisque |
since, because |
Je te le dis. |
I'm telling you. (I say it to you.) |
croire |
to believe. |
8 |
les bouteilles |
the bottles |
les verres |
the glasses |
Attention à ... |
Watch out! Pay attention to ... ! |
ce que tu fais. |
what you are doing. |
tomber |
to fall |
laisser |
to let, allow |
Elle laisse tout tomber. |
She drops everything (lets everything fall). |
malin |
clever |
pleurant (pleurer = to cry) |
crying |
ma faute |
my fault |