FREN  105

Assignments - Leçon  2

This assignment page will tell you what I want you to turn in as homework. Send me those pages marked with an asterisk *. 


Your first assignment for French in Action Leçon 2 is to review your introductory lessons.  Any of this material could appear on future exams.

Language study is a cumulative thing, not a collection of isolated units, and I will expect you to remember all of the earlier material as we proceed from lesson to lesson.

As a part of your review, I want you run through these sample pages again.  You don't need to send them in since they serve as answers sheets to each other.  

Intro - Part 1  (English to French)

Intro - Part 1  French to English)

Intro - Part 2  (English to French)

Intro - Part 2   (French to English)


Now for something new.  Read the text for leçon 2 (pp. 7-10) and use the text vocabulary sheet  (just click below) to try to figure out what everything means.  Much of what you see in this lesson will be material that we already covered in the introduction.  The better you know the previous lessons, the easier this lesson will be. 

Text vocabulary

Your translation should be close to this


Now, using the text, fill in as best you can the French equivalent of the text translation page.  I won't require you to send me the whole thing, but I will certainly be happy to check it for you if you do send it.


Now go to the Mise en Oeuvre section (p. 10) and figure out what the questions mean.  

Questions in English   (English meaning of the questions)

Referring to the text, try to find the answers to the questions.

Questions and Answers in French  (French questions with the correct answers)

Here are the questions and answers in English.  Send me these questions and answers in French.  I will expect you to do this for me on an exam, so practice, practice, practice.

Questions and Answers in English  


Now we will move to the workbook, page 2.   I will give you the English sentences describing the pictures.  You give me the French equivalent.

 * Images

I want you to practice a variety of French expressions.  From exercise 2.3 in the workbook, select and write out the appropriate responses.

Exercise 2.3

Work through the Plan to review the subject pronouns on pages 5 and 8 in the workbook, and send me the answers to the following:

Exercise 2.11

*  Exercise 2.25


Now work through verb aller in the Plan on pages 5, 6, 7, and 9 in the  workbook, and send me the answers to the following:

*   Exercise 2.13

*   Exercise 2.18

*   Exercise 2.19

*   Exercise 2.21

*   Exercise 2.27


I won't ask you to do these on your exam, but I recommend that you reinforce the material you have been working on by sending me the French equivalents of the English expressions in the following:

Exercise 2.3

Exercise 2.11

*  Exercise 2.25

*   Exercise 2.13

*   Exercise 2.18

*   Exercise 2.19

*   Exercise 2.21

*   Exercise 2.27