2 -- Exam
Review – Write the French equivalent of the following: |
How are you? (formal) |
Who is it? |
We are fine. |
What’s your name? (formal) |
How’s it going? |
My name is Anna. |
So, so. |
What’s the professor’s name? |
What’s the weather like? |
Her name is Mrs. Martin. |
It’s cold and windy. |
Noon. Midnight. |
It’s not raining. It’s snowing. |
Eight thirty |
What is it? |
A quarter past nine |
It’s a book. |
A quarter ‘til seven |
What do they have? |
I have a dog. |
We have some friends. |
Everyone has a class. |
They are students. |
We are in Havre. |
They like to sleep. |
I like to read. |
What do you like to do? |
We like to watch TV. |
Stand up. Sit down. |
Open and close the book. |
Read and write. |
Look and listen. |
Leçon 2 --- Write the French equivalent of the following: |
1. |
Who are you? --- We are the students. | |||
2. |
What are we going to do? |
3. |
We are going to learn French. |
4. |
Where does one speak French? |
5. |
... in Paris, in France, in Canada, in the Antilles. |
6. |
Where is Mireille going? She is going to the university. |
7. |
Where are Mireille's two friend going? |
8. |
They are going to the food service. |
9. |
What are they going to do? Why? |
10. |
They are going to the food service (university restaurant). They are going to eat. |
11. |
How is Aunt Georgette? … She isn't sick, but she is tired. |
Review and leçon 2 --- Write the English equivalent of the following: |
Salut. Comment ça va? |
Je ne suis pas pressée. |
Vous y allez déjà? |
Nous y allons demain. |
Ça va aller mieux. |
Lui, la santé, ça va. |
Comment vas-tu? |
Le vieux prof va à la bibli. |
Elle est dans la salle de cours. |
Je ne vais pas trop bien. |
Tu es un gentil toutou. |
Bien sûr elles sont vieilles. |
Ça ne va pas fort. |
Parlez-vous anglais? |
Je vais être en retard. |
Alors, qu’est-ce que tu fais? |
Samedi le quatorze août |
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? |
Il fait mauvais aujourd’hui. |
Comment est votre famille? |
Elles aiment les grands magasins. |
Quarante-sept |
Tu invites souvent tes amis? |
Nous avons notre propre appartement. |
Aimez-vous jouer sur la plage? |
Ils font le ménage ensemble. |
Voici leurs devoirs. |
Nous restons à la maison. |
Habitent-ils chez vous? |
Elle porte des chaussures noires. |
Soixante-cinq |
Faites-vous beaucoup de jeux? |
Jeudi le treize juillet |
Dix heures moins vingt |
Write appropriate answers to the following in French. | |
1. |
Comment allez-vous? |
2. |
Où vas-tu? |
3. |
Ça va? |
4. | Comment vous appelez-vous? |
5. |
Tu es malade? |
6. |
Vous allez bien? |
7. |
Où est-ce que vous allez? |
8. | Comment s'appellent vos parents? |