FREN 105 -- The Plan


Leçon 1 - Introduction

Part 2

If you have been here before and know where you want to go, select from the following options. If you are new here, start at the beginning and scroll through the lesson.

10. Formal Commands: Vous Forms

11. Expressing Possession: The Verb avoir

12. Expressing Likes and Dislikes: The verb aimer + Infinitive

13. La Famille

14. Expressing Relationships: Possessive Adjectives

15. Talking about Activities and Weather: The Verb faire

16. Days of the Week and Months of the Year.


Read through the following discussions, listen to the accompanying tape, and do each exercise. After completing an exercise, check the answer page, and contact me if you have any questions or problems.

After a series of exercises, you will have a homework assignment to complete and send to me.


10. Formal commands: Vous Forms

The French command form (the imperative) is much like the command form in English. When we are talking to someone, we don't say "You speak" as a command. We simply say "Speak". In French we don't say "Vous allez" as a command. We say "Allez". Note, however, that the verb ends in -ez which is the ending of the vous form of the verb. So, we don't use vous in the command, but we do use the vous form of the verb.

Click on the English equivalents link below to see a collection of French commands. Then submit exercise 10 as a homework assignment. Obviously you already have the answers, so the major objective here is to learn the command forms well, not just copy them and send them in.

On an exam, you will be expected to translate the English command forms into French.

English equivalents

Ex. 10. Commands

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11. Expressing Possession: The Verb avoir

Welcome to a new verb, avoir, which means to have. Study the follwoing conjugation of the verb avoir and commit it to memory.

I have. = J'ai. -- (Notice that the je contracts to j' preceding a vowel.)

You (familiar) have. = Tu as.

He has. = Il a. -- (Again, il, elle, and on will always have the same verb form .)

She has. = Elle a.

One has. = On a.

We have. = Nous avons. -- (The -ons ending is the normal ending for the nous verb form. Nous sommes is the only exception.)

You (formal or plural) have. = Vous avez. -- (The vous form of the verb will almost always take the -ez ending. You will encounter only three verbs this semester whose vous forms do not end in -ez. You have already had Vous êtes.)

They (masc.) have. = Ils ont. -- (And, of course, the ils and elles forms of the verb will be the same.)

They (fem.) have. = Elles ont.

Now review the verbs être and aller, and click below for a verb review worksheet. On this page you will use the verb être to indicate that the person mentioned is a student, the verb aller to indicate that the person is going to class, and the verb avoir to indicate that the person has a book. I have done the je form for you as an example. This page might also appear as an exam page.

Ex. 11a. Review: Être, Aller, Avoir


11.b Dans mon université.

Now let's do an exercise to practice the verb avoir. Place the correct form of avoir in each blank, and then give me the English equivalent of your French sentences. Consult the following vocabulary list as needed.

Vocabulary to note:

dans = in, into
mon, ma, mes = my
un cours = a class or course
un jour = a day (Think of journal: an account of the day's activities.)
une semaine = a week
par semaine = per week
mais = but
libre = free
lundi = Monday
le lundi = Mondays, on Mondays
trois = three
un ami, une amie = a friend
tout, tous, toute, toutes = all
beaucoup, beaucoup de = much, many, a lot
chaque = each
samedi = Saturday
le samedi = Saturdays, on Saturdays
combien (de) = how much, how many
pendant = during
une journée = a day
ce = this, that

Exercice 11b. Dans mon université


11c. Qu'est-ce que tu as?

Here's another exercise for practice with the verb avoir. Once again, put the correct form in the blank, and tell me what the sentence means.


Que (qu') = what
tout le monde = everyone (literally, all the world)
un chien = a dog
un poste de télévision = a TV set
mon, ma, mes = my
un ordinateur = a computer
une voiture = a car
votre = your
un cours = a course, a class

Exercice 11c. Qu'est-ce que tu as?



*** Homework assignment number 4. Write the French equivalent of the sentences based on sections 10 through 11c, and send you me your results. Feel free to look up anything you need.

Homework assignment 4



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12. Expressing Likes and Dislikes: The Verb aimer + Infinitive

This section is extremely important because it introduces us to a regular -er verb. The verbs we have encountered thus far (aller, être, avoir) are irregular verbs. Each form of the verb must be memorized. There is little pattern. Most verbs are regular, however. They follow a specific pattern of endings. And most of the regular verbs are -er verbs, so the pattern we learn with the verb aimer will be used with hundreds of other verbs.

The form aimer is what we call the infinitive, the to like form of the verb. It is not used with the various subject pronouns. Each subject pronoun will require a specific verb ending. The set of endings attached to the verb stem aim- is the conjugation of the verb, and we always have the same conjugation with regular -er verbs. Note the conjugation chart for the verb aimer in the handout.

In regular -er verbs

Je always takes the -e ending. --- J'aime.
Tu always takes the -es ending. --- Tu aimes.
Il and Elle always take the -e ending. --- Il aime. Elle aime.
Nous always takes the -ons ending. --- Nous aimons.
Vous always takes the -ez ending. --- Vous aimez.
Ils and Elles always take the -ent ending. --- Ils aiment. Elles aiment.

When is the infinitive used then? The infinitive is used as a second verb following the conjugated verb. In this section, we will use it following the verb aimer to indicate what people like to do. It is also frequently used after the verb aller to indicate what people are going to do.

Je vais parler français. = I am going to speak French.
Nous allons aller en classe. = We are going to go to class.
Ils vont être en retard. = They are going to be late.
Allez-vous avoir votre livre? = Are you going to have your book.


Study my explanation carefully, listen to the tape, and complete exercises exercises 12a, 12b, and 12c.

12a. Préférences et activités favorites

Now let's practice the verb aimer. Replace the blanks with the correct form of the verb aimer. And again, I'm looking for the English equivalent.

Exercise 12a vocabulary items:

quel / quelle = what, which
un type de = a type of, a kind of
ton, ta, tes = your (familiar)
chinois = chinese
beaucoup = much, many, a lot, very much, etc.
une promenade = a walk
la pêche = fishing
tout, toute, tous, toutes = all
une sorte de = a sorte of, a kind of

Exercise 12a. Préférences et activités favorites



12b. Le dimanche matin

Same game. In this exercise you will replace the blanks with the correct form of the verb aimer. Then how about some English equivalents.

Exercise 12b vocabulary:

Il parle. = He speaks, talks
dimanche = Sunday
le matin = the morning
On fait. = One does.
boire = to drink
bon/bonne = good
un café = a coffee, a café
dormir = to sleep
jusqu'à = until
une église = a church
jouer = to play
regarder = to watch, to look at
lire = to read
un journal = a newspaper
faire = to do, to make

Exercise 12b. Le dimanche matin


12c. Passe-temps préférés

This one is going to be trickier. Using what you have already learned and the following vocabulary items, write the French equivalent of the English sentences. Use the formal in each case.

Exercise 12c vocabulary:

On pose des questions. = One asks questions.
Vous êtes d'accord. = You agree. You are in agreement.
Vous nommez. = You name.
une autre = another
cuisiner = to cook
dîner = to dine, to have dinner
un/une camarade de chambre = a roommate
meilleur, meilleure = better, best
écouter = to listen to
un petit ami = a boyfriend
une petite amie = a girlfriend
en été = in summer
dormir tard = to sleep late
faire une promenade = to take a walk
chanter = to sing
danser = to dance
votre, vos = your
vos grand-parents = your grandparents
votre mère = your mother
skier = to ski
jouer aux cartes = to play cards
jouer au tennis = to play tennis

Exercise 12c. Passe-temps préférés



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13. La Famille

Study the vocabulary for the various family members and complete the Famille assignment sheet.

La Famille

Ex. 13. La famille

*** Homework assignment number 5. Write the French equivalent of the sentences based on sections 12a through 13, and send you me your results. Feel free to look up anything you need.

Homework assignment 5



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14. Expressing Relationships: Possessive Adjectives

Ah! Once again we are plagued by the gender situation in French. Just as we had different words for the articles (the, a, an, some) for masculine, feminine, and plural nouns, we also have different words for the possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their). For some possessive adjectives, there are three different French words; for others there are two.



Mon is used with masculine singular nouns and feminine singular nouns starting with a vowel. -- Mon père.. Mon amie.

Ma is used with feminine singular nouns starting with a consonant. -- Ma mère

Mes is used with all plural nouns. -- Mes parents. Mes amis.

Your (familiar) (same pattern as mon, ma, mes)

Ton is used with masculine nouns and feminine nouns starting with a vowel. -- Ton père. Ton amie.

Ta is used with feminine nouns starting with a consonant. -- Ta mère.

Tes is used with all plural nouns. -- Tes parents.

His/Her (French uses the same word for his and her. Context will tell you which it will be in English.) -- (Again, same pattern as mon, ma, mes)

Son is used with masculine nouns and feminine nouns starting with a vowel. -- Son père (could be either his or her father). Son amie (could be either his or her female friend)

Sa is used with feminine nouns starting with a consonant. -- Sa mère (could be either his or her motther)

Ses is used with plural nouns. -- Ses parents. (could be either his or her parents)


Notre is used with all singular nouns, both masculine and feminine. -- Notre père. Notre amie. Notre mère.

Nos is used with plural nouns. -- Nos parents. Nos amis.

Your (formal or plural)

Votre is used with all singular nouns, both masculine and feminine. -- Votre père. Votre amie. Votre mère.

Vos is used with plural nouns. -- Vos parents. Vos amis.


Leur is used with all singular nouns, both masculine and feminine. -- Leur père. Leur amie. Leur mère.

Leurs is used with plural nouns. -- Leurs parents. Leurs amis.


Exercise 14a. -- En famille

You have already encountered most of the vocabulary used in exercise 14a, but let me call your attention to the following:

comment = how (Notice that when comment is used with the verb être, it is asking what someone or something is like.)
Comment est ta famille? = What is your family like?
Il s'appelle. = His name is. (He calls himself.) The il / elle form of the verb takes an -e ending.
Ils s'appellent. = Their names are. (They call themselves.) The ils / elles form of the verb takes an -ent ending.
aussi = also, too
qui habite = who lives
la ville = the city
même = same
chez = at the home of, to the home of
chez nous = at our place, with us
nous = we or us
beaucoup (de) = much, many, a lot of
propre = own
souvent = often
à dîner = to dine, to have dinner

Exercise 14a. -- En famille


Exercise 14b. Dans la classe de français.

We have also already seen most of the exercise 14b vocabulary, but note the following:

Elle donne. = She gives.
un cahier = a notebook
voici = here is, here are
devoirs = assignments, homework
pour = for
aujourd'hui = today
S'il vous plaît. = Please. (literally, If it pleases you.)
réponses = responses, answers
Ils parlent. = They speak, talk.
n'est-ce pas? = isn't he, isn't she, aren't you, aren't they, aren't we, etc.
un/une camarade = a friend, comrade
un/une camarade de classe = a classmate
sympathique = nice, likeable
vrai - true

Exercise 14b. Dans la classe de français.


Exercise 14c. -- Une nouvelle amie

There are only a few new vocabulary items in exercise 14c.

nouveau/nouvelle = new
Elle décrit. = She describes.
Elle dit. = She says.
Mon père travaille. = My father works.
un chien = a dog
une maison = a house

Exercise 14c. -- Une nouvelle amie



*** Homework assignment number 6. Write the French equivalent of the sentences based on section 14, and send you me your results. Feel free to look up anything you need.

Homework assignment 6



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15. Talking About Activities and Weather: The Verb faire

 15 a. The weather. Quel temps fait-il?

Weather expressions in French are a marvelous example of expressions that don't have word-for-word equivalents in the two languages. French doesn't ask literally "What is the weather like?". It asks "What weather makes it?"

Quel = what, which
temps = weather
il fait = it makes, it does

And most of the answers will also involve "Il fait ...." So it makes or does some kind of weather in French. It makes hot. It makes cold. Etc. We will be using the following vocabulary items in our weather discussions.

Il fait. = It makes, it does.
beau = beautiful
bon = good
mauvais = bad
chaud = hot
froid = cold
frais = cool
le soleil = the sun
du soleil = some sun, sunny
le brouillard = the fog
du brouillard = some fog, foggy
le vent = the wind
du vent = some wind, windy
il y a = there is, there are
des nuages = some clouds
le ciel = the sky
couvert = covered
Il pleut. = It rains, it's raining.
Il neige. = It snows, it's snowing.

Study these weather expressions.

Weather expressions

Then be prepared to write the French weather expressions from the English equivalents.

15a. Weather Expressions


15b. The verb faire

The verb faire (to make, to do) is our fourth major irregular verb. Again, you need to commit the following verb forms to memory.

Je fais.

Tu fais.

Il fait.

Elle fait.

On fait.

Nous faisons.

Vous faites.

Ils font.

Exercise 15b. -- Nos vacances d'été

Study the verb faire and work on exercise 15b. Note the following vocabulary items:

une chose = a thing
ensemble = together
en été = in summer
quand = when
passer = to spend
la mer = the sea
au bord de la mer = at the seashore
sur = on
la plage = the beach
pendant = during
pendant que = while
faire de la voile = to go sailing (literally, to do some sailing)
seulement = only
surtout = especially
toujours = always
tout le monde = everyone (literally, all the world)
rester = to stay
la maison = the house
à la maison = at home, at the house
faire le ménage = to do the housework
puis = then
un jeu = a game (des jeux = some games)

Exercise 15b. -- Nos vacances d'été


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16. Days of the week and the months of the year

Monday = lundi
Tuesday = mardi
Wednesday = mercredi
Thursday = jeudi
Friday = vendredi
Saturday = samedi
Sunday = dimanche

January = janvier
February = février
March = mars
April = avril
May = mai
June = juin
July = juillet
August = août
September = septembre
October = octobre
November = novembre
December = décembre


Monday, January 19 = lundi le dix-neuf janvier

Tuesday, February 14 = mardi le quatorze février

Wednesday, March 21 = mercredi le vingt et un mars

Thursday, April 12 = jeudi le douze avril

Friday, May 15 = vendredi le quinze mai

Saturday, June 30 = samedi le trente juin

Sunday, July 4 = dimanche le quatre juillet


*** Homework assignment number 7. Write the French equivalent of the sentences which include materials from the entire lesson and send you me your results. Feel free to look up anything you need. Items from the final sections of the lesson are grouped at the end of the assignment.

Homework assignment 7