FREN  105

Exam Description 

 Introduction --Part 2

Your exam material will be taken from the following pages based on your exercises.  You just need to practice, practice, practice.  There should be no surprises.  If you want to work on these once more and submit them, I will check them over for you.  

You may have any of these pages on the exam or a selection of items from several pages.  The selection could look something like this

Review Page - English to French

Commands Exercise 10
Être, Aller, Avoir Exercise 11a
Dans mon université  Exercise 11b
Qu'est-ce que tu as? Exercise 11c
Préférences et activités favorites Exercise 12a
Le dimanche matin Exercise 12b
Passe-temps préférés Exercise 12c
La Famille Exercise 13
En famille Exercise 14a
Dans la classe de français. Exercise 14b
Une nouvelle amie Exercise 14c
The weather. Quel temps fait-il? Exercise 15a
Nos vacances d'été Exercise 15b
Vocabulary Review You will also have  page or two of words, phrases, and sentences in French to be translated into English.  Anything in the lesson is fair game.  The selection could look something like this.

Review Page - French to English