(W 56) --- Actividad B. -- Las preocupaciones de Teresa Suárez


No _________________ mucho acerca de Raquel Rodríguez...


I don't know much about Raquel Rodríguez...


... sólo que __________________ _____________________ más de Rosario del Valle, mi buena amiga.


... only that she wants to know more about Rosario del Valle, my good friend.


Mi hijo y su esposa _____________________________ a esta abogada y

_______________________ que _____________________ simpática.


My son and his wife know this lawyer and say that she is nice.


No _____________________________ ...


I don't know ...


... pero _____________ _________________ ___________

_______________________________ pronto.


... but I'm going to meet her soon.


___________________________ muchos recuerdos de Rosario.

¿Qué ________________________ el Sr. Castillo de Rosario?


I have many memories of Rosario. What does Mr. Castillo know about Rosario?


No ___________________________ a este primero esposo de Rosario.


I don't know this first husband of Rosario.


Sólo _____________________ que ___________________ en México ahora,

y que ____________________ otra familia, otra vida.


I only know that he lives in Mexico now, and that he has another family, another life.


¿Cuáles _____________________ sus motivos? ¿ _____________________

______________________________ al hijo que tuvo con Rosario?


What are his motives? Does he want to know (meet) the son that he had with Rosario?


¿O ___________________ ________________________ la historia de su

primera matrimonia? Todo ________________ posible.


Or does he want to hide the story of his first marriage? Everything is possible.