Class of 2010 AVID

Fall 2007
Course Syllabus

  Mr. Dawkins
  (720) 423-6231


Welcome to the Class of 2010 AVID Family!

Mr. Dawkins Mr. Dawkins in Bath, England.

As AVID students, you are expected to maintain a high level of academic achievement in all classes as you prepare for your future beyond high school.  This includes enrollment in Honors (X) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.  At the completion of the four year program, each AVID senior will be qualified to pursue a post-secondary education.



Blue or black pens
#2 Pencils
Three-ring binder for each class (math, science, social studies, English, and AVID)
College rule loose leaf paper
Student planner



Students will come to class prepared to work every day with no exceptions.  Cell phones, pagers, CD players, and other similar electronic devices will not be permitted in class.  Soda and candy will not be permitted in class; however, bottled water will be allowed.  All South High School polices will be followed in class, and each student will be respectful to his or her self and others in the classroom.


Course expectations

  • Course work expectations

This year in AVID we will explore some of your future options including career, college and educational opportunities.  In addition to the AVID course, each 10th grade AVID student will be enrolled in at least two X or AP courses.  Students are also required to continue a three year foreign language program, unless you are currently fluent in another language.

  • Attendance

Attendance is crucial to success in all aspects of life.  Due to block scheduling, missing one day is the same as missing two days of class.  AVID students are expected to attend every class meeting for all classes.  Poor attendance in any class will result in probationary status in the AVID program.  All absences for all classes should be excused through the attendance office.

  • Tutorial (TU)

Tutorial is a class activity that provides each student with individual help with any class assignment.  Tutorials are conducted by the classroom teachers and tutors.  Tutorial provides an opportunity for students to maintain all class work assignments, study for tests and get extra help on any task.  All AVID students are expected to have school work to complete during tutorial time.  Tutorial is 10% of the overall grade.

  • Progress Reports (PR)

Weekly progress reports will be completed by each student and will be collected on the last day of class for that week.  Students should get a current grade, any missing assignments or tasks and a signature from each teacher.  This allows you to stay current on all assignments in all classes, to maintain open communication with all teachers and allows the AVID teachers and counselor to assist with any problems that may arise in any class.  Progress reports will be 10% of the overall grade.  Any AVID student with a grade of D or lower will be required to attend tutoring after school, M-Th, 3:00-4:00.

  • Notebook/Binder Check (BC)

Organization is one of the major components of academic success.  Binder check will be completed for class binders every Friday in the AVID classroom.  A 3-ring binder for each course should be organized and maintained on a regular basis.  Homework, class work, and Cornell notes should be organized and easily accessible in all binders.  Binder check is 20% of the overall grade.

  • Presentations (PT)

All students will be expected to make oral presentations in the AVID classroom.  Polite consideration should be given to all presenters at all times.  Presentation is 10% of the overall grade.

  • Community Service (CS)

Community involvement is an essential component in becoming a responsible citizen.  Each 10th grade AVID student will be required to complete 8 hours of community service each semester.  This can be completed at school, through community organizations such as churches, YMCA, youth groups, etc.  Community service is 10% of the overall grade.

  • Class Work (CW)

Activities and discussions will be a regular part of the AVID class.  AVID students are required to actively participate in all classroom activities and discussions.  Writing, research, and tasks from all academic areas will be included in class work.  Class work is 20% of the overall grade.

  • AVID Portfolio (PTF)

Each semester, AVID students will be required to complete an AVID semester portfolio that will follow you throughout your high school career.  The AVID portfolio should contain work from each content area, research projects and writing tasks.  The portfolio is 10% of the overall grade.


All South High attendance, tardy and behavior policies will be enforced.  The South High Regular Course grading scale will be used in AVID.  Please review these policies in your South High handbook.  Class standards for reading and writing can be accessed at http://curriculum.dpsk12/standards/read_writing.pdf

Thanks and welcome to AVID!!

Mr. Nickolas Dawkins