After School Tutoring
South High

Week of  May 7-May 11  (Click on a date for a more detailed report.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11

No tutoring

Math (room 322)
English and Social Studies (room 320)

Science (room 119)
Math (room 322)
Science (room 119)
English and Social Studies (room 320)


Math Tutors:
Anna Holm
Matt Hoaglin


English and Soc. St. Tutor:
Scott Hansen

Science Tutor:
Marjorie Ortiz

Math Tutors:
Anna Holm
Matt Hoaglin

Science Tutor:
Bonita Miller
Scott Hansen
Steve Lacey
  Math Students:
lost report

English and Soc St. Students:
Kristi Moore
Mustaffa Ahmed
Su Kim
Khadra Farah
Samba N'Diaye

Science Students:
Grace Randall
Ty Gosselin
Kevin Johnson
Shanay Hadd
Math Students:
Charlie Domas
Lahra Faki
Abraham Moore
Mimi Zheng
Miyoki Kawamoto
Meredith Bixler
Katie Testerman

Science Students:
Andrea Medrano
Bill Hickey
Chris Maher
Tumsa Bedane

Kristi Moore
Mustaffa Ahmed
Su Kim